Tuesday, December 9

Interesting facts about Linux operating systems..

UNIX like OS:

Linux is a UNIX like free and open source operating system. However, Linux does not seek UNIX branding. Most Linux distributions prefers not to brand their distro as UNIX dues the costs for certification. Also, most businesses are well aware of the Linux brand.

More about the creator:

Linus Torvalds is the creator and chief architect of the Linux kernel. He now acts as the project’s coordinator. The name “Linux” comes from the Linux kernel, originally written in 1991 by Linus Torvalds. However, initially Torvalds wanted to call the kernel he developed as Freak. . Torvalds owns the Linux trademark, and monitors use of it through the non-profit organization called Linux International.

More about the Linux kernel code:

About 2% of the Linux kernel were written by Torvalds himself. Today the Linux kernel has received contributions from thousands of developers across the globe. Torvalds remains the ultimate authority on what new code is incorporated into the standard Linux kernel hosted at kernel.org. However, Linux distribution modifies the kernel as per their user’s requirements. For example, Red Hat, often backports patches to stable kernel version and distributes to millions of subscribers using RHN paid service.
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Linux mascot:

Tux has been widely adopted by the Linux community as the mascot of the Linux kernel.

More about copyright:

The Linux kernel, GNU utilities and software are licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). The GPL makes sure that anyone who distributes the Linux kernel must make the source code (and any modifications) available to the recipient under the same terms. However, other software included with Linux distribution may be licensed under BSD, MIT, or any other open source License. For example, the X Window System uses the MIT License.

Programming language and tools used to write Linux kernel:

Linux is written in the C using GNU/GCC compiler set. A small number of sections of code written in the assembly language of the target architecture. Most Linux drivers are written in C itself. However, you can use many other languages such as Perl, Python, and various shell scripting languages to manage Linux systems.


Linux kernel runs on a wild variety of hardware, including mobile phone, handheld computer, mainframe server, supercomputers, desktop and many small and embedded devices. Linux is now considered as one of the most widely ported operating system kernels.

Linux adoption:

Linux is growing very fast and adopted by many users around the world. The Linux market is growing rapidly, and the revenue of servers, desktops, and packaged software running Linux is expected to exceed $35.7 billion by 2008. A Linux operating system used by students, business, homes, organizations, companies, and governments. Please note that the Linux desktop market share range from less than one percent to almost two percent. In comparison, Microsoft operating systems hold more than 88% market share. However, Linux has the largest share in servers, notebooks and embedded devices.

Graphical user interface:

A number of desktop environments are available, of which GNOME and KDE are the most widely used.

Command-line interface:

A number of command line interface environments are available, of which BASH is the most widely used. There are a lot of small and specialized utilities (such as awk, sed, cut, paste and so on) meant to work together and to integrate with other programs. This is called the toolbox principle.

Process Scheduling:

Linux kernel 2.6 once used a scheduling algorithm favoring interactive processes. However, Linux offers other process scheduling, logs such as Completely Fair Scheduler.


Linux is mostly supported by the community using online forums or mailing lists. Red Hat, Canonical, Novell and other major distributors have paid phone support available as well. There are also paid local Linux techs available.

Documentation and Training:

A Wealth of information is available free online in the forms of blogs, wikis, tutorials, or in books, as well as on vendors own support page. Detailed documentation for specific commands, programs, functions, libraries, files, and file formats are available through the man pages, which are accessed through the command line, or through graphical viewers. Training available via many computing university courses in programming and computer science. Also, vendor specific certifications are provided by Linux Professional Institute and some distributions, such as Red Hat and Ubuntu.

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