Tuesday, June 2

Traslucent Status Bar for Google Map 9.9

Raise your hand if you've constantly been annoyed when you see the black status bar on Google Maps, particularly when it's being very obtrusive as you're navigating your way through a strange place? Probably all of us Maps users have been"victimized" by this black monstrosity.
Finally, Google has also probably had enough of it, and in the upcoming newest update of Google Maps,it has been replaced by a translucent bar.

The past few months, Google Maps has been bringing a lot of changes to the app, as its status as one of the most popular apps across all platforms has been solidified. While the updates have not been that major, they have contributed to making the user experience even smoother and more intuitive. But even though many updates have come and gone, that black status bar was a continuous blight amidst our joy of being able to navigate our way through strange cities and places. We've been hoping for a change in that, and now, it has finally come.Version 9.9 will finally feature a translucent status bar so we won't be disturbed anymore. Of course when you have a busy map, the status bar won't be all that readable, but at least it looks much better. The update will also bring a notification card when you start your navigation and it will tell you if that's the quickest route or if there are any delays on your way. You'll also get spoken alerts for this, to avoid you constantly looking at the screen.The update hasn't arrived yet on the Google Play Store.

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